Forgive Me Father (For my Language) 2/4/2022

Most of my working life was spent behind a desk in an office. Except when I was facing customers across their desk or dancing on a conference room table for some group of investors or another. So when we “retired” up here on the Northshore five years ago there weren’t too many desks or conference tables where I could work. So what was I, an all-thumbs and unskilled handyman, qualified to do? Work in a hardware store, of course. Retail sales and helping customers get material for tasks I’d never done myself. Not wanting to scare off the DIYer who came into our store, I used my warped sense of humor to keep them from finding out how incompetent I was. It must have paid off, because my unsuspecting employer, the Cook County Home Center in Grand Marais, got a positive Five Star review on Google a few years back. And here’s what it said, “Local old guy behind the counter was a hoot! Great local resource and great hardware store.” Although I didn’t earn a raise after that, I did earn a new...