The Long Way Home 8.23.24

I may have too much time on my hands, what with spending hours at boat landings with limited cell phone service and sometimes few watercraft to occupy my attention. My mind wanders to overused words that have multiple meanings and the effects those different meanings have on our society. While overused words may seem harmless, they actually have a significant impact on our perceptions of our neighbors. One that bugs me is the word fun. “Let’s do something fun.” “Did you have fun?” “What did you do for fun, on your day off, vacation, weekend, whatever?” Or when you’re injured or ill, “I bet that wasn’t fun.” Fun is sometimes a helpful word, but it is overused. I hear it too much, even from my own mouth. I don’t have to do something fun to enjoy my day. Another overused word is battle. “He lost his battle with cancer.” “They were battling the City Council to get a liquor license.” “Every day is an uphill battle.” Diseases don’t always require a combative appr...