Duluth Artist Lisa Stauffer Shares Plein Air Talent with North Shore Workshops

They arrived in a handful of cars at the public boat landing in the Rec Park the morning of July 7 as the Art Colony prepared Grand Marais for its annual Arts Festival. Bearing license plates from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Ontario, the cars carried artists attending a workshop conducted by Duluth-based Artist Lisa Stauffer. While the attendees unloaded chairs, easels, umbrellas, and bug repellant, Lisa scouted the location where the En Plein air (in the open air) workshop would take place. The spot they chose was the southwest most place on the harbor, and they set up facing the massive rock outcroppings that separate the bay from the big lake. The artists spent a few hours in the cool breeze off the lake, and each painted the scene as they saw it. Observers could watch as blank canvas gave way to the beauty that is Lake Superior. Lisa, recognized as an Eminent Pastelist by the International Association of Pastel Societies, says, “I love painting, and I like sharing my l...